Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Forwarded to me from a friend:

We flew over the southern panhandle of West Virginia area (Marshall-Wetzel counties) and it is un-fracking-believable!  Well pads in every direction, pipelines creating a jagged maze, drilling pits of every shape and tint, rigs of varied colors, and vehicle-packed fracking ops. on mountainous pads doing completion work. There was one spot where you could see 3 industrial-sized compressor stations/gas treatment plants in close proximity to one another.

Multiple areas in WV revealed 2 new things: Some fluid impoundments that resemble round aboveground backyard swimming pools, and several spots with multiple impoundments, one with as many as SIX!  (Imagine if the property owner living in the midst of that industrial mess doesn’t own the gas rights. Yoi!)  This used to be my favorite area for a refreshing Sunday morning motorcycle ride through beautiful terrain, now we are witnessing widespread gashes and ugliness.

What a difference 6 years makes…

Veterans Day 2006 on a motorcycle in that area enjoying twisty roads:

Veterans Day 2012 in an airplane over that same area:  

More photos of Wild, Wonderful West Virginia: